Lyrics for Ya Soul

He is my King, He is my one
Yes he’s my father, Yes he’s my son
I can talk to him, cuz he understands
Everything I go through and everything I am
He’s my support system, I can’t live without him
The best thing since sliced bread,
Is his kiss, his hugs, his lips, his touch
And I just want the whole world to know ~ Angie Stone “Brotha”

Feeling like love today. Lyrics for ya soul Queens!

Happy Friday. Happy Summer.

Peace, Love, & Blessings,


This Brown Queen

The Versatile Blogger Award


Hello Queens! I’m so excited to write this post! I’ve been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Asia M of Forever As I Am *waves* Hey Asia girl! Hey! A fellow natural hair blogger! If you’re looking for all things natural hair related check her blog out! She has an awesome Forever Feature that I love! Thanks so much for the nomination!

I started this blog back in March. I’d been going through something like a quarter life crisis and I just was looking for SOMETHING. Didn’t know what it was but I needed it! I often found myself overwhelmed by my lack of focus. It’s like I want to do everything and I was having a hard time just wrapping my head around all the things that I HAVE to do, WANT to do, and NEED to do. One day I started This Brown Queen because I was tired of the excuses that life tends to throw at women, especially brown women in particular. If I wanted to do everything, then that’s exactly what I was going to do. Here, I finally found a place where I could put it all together. My natural hair trials and triumphs, my love of makeup, my obsession with my kids and family, my struggles as a stepmother, my dreams and goals as an entrepreneur, my faith. On This Brown Queen it all comes together. It all fits. Here is where I want to inspire and empower ALL Queens, to just go for it. Whatever it is. We have 24 hours in a day Queens. Make them count!

So here’s how this works. When you’re nominated please do the following:

Nominate 10 fellow bloggers relatively new to blogging

Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award

Share 7 random facts about yourself

Thank the blogger who has nominated you

Add the Versatile Award picture to your post

And now on the randomness of THIS brown queen!

1. I look way younger than I actually am, which used to annoy me like crazy when I was a teenager. Then I got older and I realized that…it’s a GOOD THING.

2. I’m a Cancer, and that means I’m emotional. About EVERYTHING. But I hide it well. I guess it’s due to my tough outer shell.

3. I have the attention span of a small child. Seriously. I’m for real. Wait, what was I talking about? 😉

4. I’m married to my very best friend. That’s not really random as he was carefully selected out of the many frogs I had to go through to find him ❤

5. I was in an abusive relationship before. It. Changed. My. Life. One of my life goals is to help and mentor women who are in or have been in similar situations.

6. I’m obsessed with my kids. Really. It’s a problem.

7. I am quite small. About 5’4, 124 lbs…but I can eat. ALOT. I mean like a WHOLE lot. I love food.

And the nominees are!

Perpetual Project

Ms. Perfect Patty

Girlfriend to Fiance to Wife

2 Mama Bees + 4 Busy Bees = 1 Great Hive

Thanks again for all the support of This Brown Queen. I am extremely grateful for all of you! I can’t say enough how every follower, like, comment, visitor, and view is important to me. You guys are the bestttt! Mama I made it! LOL!


Peace, Love, & Blessings


This Brown Queen