Her Life | Maximizing the Hours in Your Day

My loves! So I’m taking a mini break from my usual beauty posts and writing about life today. Things have been pretty crazy these recent weeks between blogging, working on a writing project, working full time, assisting with my husband’s business, fulfilling my mommy and wife duties and more. WHEW! I’m tired just writing about it let alone living it! Which prompted me to write about something I’m sure my brown queens can relate to and that’s how to maximize the hours in a day. Now I know we’ve all seen the memes telling us that “We have the same 24 hours in your day as Beyonce” and I’m sure that I wasn’t alone giving my *side eye* like PUH-LEASE. I have no nanny, housekeeper, personal chef, driver, assistant and whatever else King Bey has so…no my 24 hours are a tad bit different ;). However, I’m sure there are things that can be done in order to squeeze a little bit more time out of my day. Here’s what I’ve been doing and I’m sharing with my queens! Hopefully some of you can relate and put these into practice!

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Reflections | Random Thoughts…

It’s hard for me to take in this life thing sometime.
For me.

It’s like, I want to do everything.
All of it.
But there’s no time…or is there?

Sometimes I get suffocated by the beauty of life.
And all that you can do.

And other times I’m highly disappointed that I’m not THERE yet.

I’m thankful though.

Most of the time I over think life.
It’s a gift and a curse.

But I really just want to live…on my terms…and be happy.
Is that my dream?

Then there’s just not enough hours in the day.
Ya know, to make my dreams a reality.
I can barely make my family dinner after work.

Work. Whose idea was this?

You make time “they say”. Well…that sounds easy.
Sarcasm font.

“Hold fast to dreams”…
I will.

It WILL happen one day.
That’s faith.

I believe in faith.
In hope. In love. In life.

How could I not?

Have you seen my babies…they are miracles.

Peace, Love, & Blessings



**Stay Connected! Follow me on Twitter @thisbrownqueen & Instagram @tyshia_shante**