What to Wear | Workplace in the Spring

I know I wasn’t alone in my excitement this past weekend when the faintest glimmer of Spring arrived with the mildest temperatures we’ve seen in A. Long. Time. I went outside and was beyond happy at how nice it was! My kids were actually able to spend the better part of the day outside playing (a luxury I’ve missed immensely! Lol). Almost equally as exciting as the weather is the realization that Spring fashion is coming in full effect! I’ve been having to attend more work and blog related meetings so I’ve been looking to spruce up my work wardrobe. Here’s a cute idea for a nice spring work appropriate outfit.

Spring Work Outfit

My heart is content with minimalist style, so this simple jumper paired with a bright pastel blazer is such a perfect go to outfit for me. Keep the shoes simple as well and soft nude nails for the win! Get the look!


Stay Blessed!



Her Life | Maximizing the Hours in Your Day

My loves! So I’m taking a mini break from my usual beauty posts and writing about life today. Things have been pretty crazy these recent weeks between blogging, working on a writing project, working full time, assisting with my husband’s business, fulfilling my mommy and wife duties and more. WHEW! I’m tired just writing about it let alone living it! Which prompted me to write about something I’m sure my brown queens can relate to and that’s how to maximize the hours in a day. Now I know we’ve all seen the memes telling us that “We have the same 24 hours in your day as Beyonce” and I’m sure that I wasn’t alone giving my *side eye* like PUH-LEASE. I have no nanny, housekeeper, personal chef, driver, assistant and whatever else King Bey has so…no my 24 hours are a tad bit different ;). However, I’m sure there are things that can be done in order to squeeze a little bit more time out of my day. Here’s what I’ve been doing and I’m sharing with my queens! Hopefully some of you can relate and put these into practice!

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It’s the Little Things…

*Singing* It’s the little thingsss. And the joy they bring! ~India Arie

2013-04-18 12-1.07.30

Every now and again…I get a little treat at work that makes me crack a smile on my most hectic of days. We all have rough day at work. Whether you love your job, absolutely hate it, or simply tolerate it…not everyday is sunshine and roses. After having a particularly hectic morning, I came back to my desk after a meeting to find this months issue of Vogue. I looked around wondering, who put this here? Upon further inspection I noticed the magazine was addressed to me. I don’t have a Vogue subscription…But I will gladly take this with me on my lunch! It was a nice day, so I sat outside at a nearby park, ate, and drooled over Michael Kors watches and Yves Saint Laurent lipgloss. You know…things this budget Queen dreams about ;). That little escape was much needed! I came back to work smiling…with at LEAST 5 more products to add to my Spring beauty wishlist…smh. It’s the little things…I find joy in the simple moments of life as well as the extraordinary. While it may not be an extravagant business trip to Bali (in my real dreams!)…a well placed business subscription to Vogue brings a smile to face!

*PS: Peep my “Relax, Dream, Believe” cup making a cameo. Drinking herbal tea in it these days. Ya know…being natural and all 😉

*PPS: I hope every months delivery is as well placed as this one!

This Brown Queen

Relax, Dream, Believe


This is a picture of my coffee cup. I drink my coffee out of it every morning at work and I leave it right on my desk in plain sight and every so often (a thousand times a day) I look at it for reassurance, for a reminder, for that push to get me through my day.

I, like many of us, work a (semi)-traditional office job. I say semi because the actual company I work for is interesting and my work environment is very relaxed. I work for an inventor and he’s a little crazy…in a good way. Our office is like a family. Everyone knows each other. There’s often kids running around. Dress code is non-existent. And the overall atmosphere is really laid back. I don’t have a “real” schedule. Most of my coworkers work full time. I don’t. I work about 25 – 30 hours a week. It’s really flexible which works wonderfully for my family. I’m not complaining about my salary either. Many of my family and friends comment on how lucky I am to have such a job. I agree, I am very blessed.

But…there’s something missing. I don’t dislike my work. It’s just that. Work. I work in an office. I do office work. Sure there are some highlights (like traveling to trade shows) that break up the monotony. But those situations are few and far between. Overall, it’s a desk job. I don’t love it. Don’t hate it. So I would assume what I’m missing is passion. I’m missing that fire, that fuel, that driving force. What is it? Where is it? How can I find it?

Many of you have heard the saying “When you do what you love, you’ll never have to work a day in your life”. I want to be that person. I want to never work a day in my life. But where and how do I begin? I’m a lover of many many things. My mind runs a mile a minute. I have ideas by the boatload, thoughts by the millions, interests to the sky, and the attention span of a toddler. There’s no way I can focus alllll of that into one passion. But it has to be done.

I just have to figure out how…


This Brown Queen