Reflections: Beaches + Birthdays

Can’t believe it’s been a year already. It seems like only last week I was posting about turning 26 and yet here I am at 27. This year has seriously flown by. When you’re caught up in the day to day it’s easy to lose sight of the progress, the journey. But when I really think about it…I’ve accomplished so much during my 26th year of life. It feels good and a little surreal that I’m really in my late twenties. For real this time, like I can’t even pretend anymore.

Beaches and Birthdays

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Love in Links

Keep Going

TGIF. For real. The first week back after a holiday is always sooo long. I’m glad the weekend is here. Not that I’ll be doing much relaxing but a girl can dream. This week was definitely an inspiration when it comes to blogging. I found some awesome new blogs, learned a lot, and definitely refocused after listening to a super motivating podcast by Myleik. You should need to check it out. We have the same mantra. Keep Going. It’s on my vision board and errthing. Here are some more links I’m loving this week.

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Event Recap | In Her Shoes + Essence Magazine: Beauties & Brains Behind the Brands II

If you read my what I wore post, you know that last Sunday I headed to NYC for In Her Shoes blog 5th anniversary event: Beauties and Brains Behind the Brands II. Because I have been absolutely SWAMPED this “recap” is mad late, but don’t charge it to my heart loves. I still wanted to bring you all a few take aways from this uber inspiring event.


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Reflections | Beyond Beauty

I’ve been blogging for about 6 months now and I think that it’s safe to say I’m pretty much obsessed with the beautifully chaotic world that is the blogosphere. Throughout these last few months my blog has grown and evolved so much and I thank all my readers and supporters for that! You all are very much appreciated <3. As I cross my 6 month mark I find myself reflecting on what This Brown Queen stands for and what I want to do here on the blog, my other social media outlets, and my life. Though, I’m all over the place (as I usually am) one thing is for certain…This Brown Queen is BEAUTIFUL. The blog, the mission, the goal. The connections I’ve made. The people I’ve come across. The communities of bloggers I participate in. The amazing brown queens I encounter all over the world (thanks to the internet). Simply beautiful.

I consider myself to be a self proclaimed beauty connoisseur and I wear that crown proudly. I LOVE beauty and all things pretty. But…I stress the importance that beauty TO ME, is more than a pretty face. It’s more than the make up that you wear, or the clothes you buy. Beauty is YOU. It’s within you. It’s outside of you. It’s around you. It’s the passion my queens have for their businesses. It’s the confidence I see from people stepping outside their comfort zones. It’s empowerment of women to women. It’s all of that. Wrapped up in a pretty brown bow. I think each person has a different belief in what beauty is to them and I want to inspire and support you to do whatever it is that you feel makes you beautiful. For THIS brown queen that’s a pretty lipstick and new shoes…(and a baby cloth over my shoulder because Jr is unpredictable and I don’t want no problems 😉 ). For YOU queen it could be anything. As long as you are KNOW that You are Beautiful.

Thanks for continuing along with me on this journey of my beautiful brown life. I will continue to bring you the best in beauty, fashion, motherhood and life. I hope that you continue to stick with me while I continue to chase dreams and write from the heart in red lipstick and pumps. And be sure to look out for my new venture, combining my passion for beauty and support of my queens!

Peace, Love, & Blessings



**Stay Connected! Follow me on Twitter @thisbrownqueen & Instagram @tyshia_shante**